Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Wellbeing at Haygrove

At Haygrove School we are committed to working with students to improve mental health and well-being. We are proud of the emotional support that we can offer to our school community.

Willow Room - Our Wellbeing Centre


The Wellbeing hub ‘Willow’ is a safe and quiet space that can be accessed by all students when they need some extra emotional support. Teachers are able to send students to Willow if a student is upset or distressed. Students sometimes arrive to school feeling stressed and anxious, they can come to Willow at the beginning of the day or at break and lunchtime, it is a safe space where children can come to talk and be listened to and supported.

Miss Betteridge is our Trauma Informed Practitioner and Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). She has an excellent understanding of the teenage brain and how it develops during the adolescent years, she helps students to understand their emotions and guides them to find coping strategies to help them navigate the often turbulent teenage years. Miss Betteridge is emotionally available for all students when they need someone to talk with.


We support:


  • Students that are dealing with past trauma/emotional upset/ACE (adverse childhood experiences) with intervention sessions or time with an emotionally available adult (EAA) when they need it. Students are listened to and their feelings are validated. We help them to process and understand their trauma. Sessions on understanding the teenage brain and self-esteem are particularly helpful for the students.

  •  Students with anxiety/social anxiety/friendship issues.

  •  Students that are struggling with the transition from primary to secondary school

  •  Students in a state of upset that are brought to Willow by their Head of Year, teachers, PFSA, or Student Services.

  •  Students that are reintegrating back into school. EBSA (Emotionally based school avoidance)

  •  Students struggling with their mental health post pandemic.

  •  Social media based issues


Photos from our Willow Room




All of services that support our students work very closely together, to make sure our students are given the best care and opportunities.


School Counsellor

We have a School Counselling service available to all students. Students can either self-refer, usually after talking to their Head of Year or informally with the School Counsellor, or be referred (via email, letter or phone) by a member of staff, often their Head of Year, or their parents.  

Counselling is mostly humanistic in approach, although it will integrate other methods (such as CBT) where appropriate, and the number of meetings required is based on individual need.

School Visiting Chaplain

Patrick Weld is our visiting chaplain. He is in school on a part-time basis to provide a listening ear to our school community.

Local and National Wellbeing Services


Local Organisations 

Services Supporting Wellbeing

LGBTQ Information and Support Services


Kooth is an organisation which provides free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. If students need help/advice for themselves or for a friend, Kooth can provide online support in many ways such as chatting to their friendly counsellors, reading articles written by young people, writing a daily journal and getting support from the Kooth community.

For more information click here to visit the Kooth website.