Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Tutor Groups and House System


Tutor Time

Every student is allocated a Tutor Group and Tutor which, as far as possible, will stay the same throughout their five years at Haygrove.  Each year’s group of Tutors are led by a Head of Year. This gives our students continuity throughout their time at school, and enables tutors to get to know each individual and support and encourage them through their secondary school career.

The School Day includes 15 minutes of Tutorial time, where students spend time together and with their Tutor. Tutorial time contributes to Personal, Health and Social Education (PHSE) and Character Education by helping to promote the skills and knowledge necessary for students grow in confidence and make the most of their abilities.

Group reading is an important part of tutor-time for all year groups. As part of the Responsible Readers Initiative, tutors will read aloud to their students four times a week from a list of recommended reading.

The daily tutor periods are also used for checking:

  • Student planners
  • Homework
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Uniform
  • The application of the school's Code of Responsibility and Classroom Expectations


The House System


We have a complementary House System that enables students across the 11-16 age range to engage in house events and competitions, peer support and fundraising activities. There are four distinct ‘Houses’ and each will include students from every school year and all Tutor Groups.

Each House is led by a boy and girl House Captain and Deputy House Captain, chosen from the Year 11 cohort. The House Captains are supported by representatives from each House in each year group.

Our four House names were inspired by the explorers and adventurers who have conquered the earth’s highest peak, Mount Everest in the Himalayas.

Mallory  – George Mallory was an English mountaineer who took part in the first three British expeditions to Mount Everest in the early 1920s.

Bonington  – Chris Bonington led the first successful team to reach the summit via the south west face in 1975.

Stephens  – Rebecca Stephens, in 1993, became the first British woman to reach the summit.

Hargreaves  – Alison Hargreaves became, in 1995, the first British woman to reach the summit alone and without supplementary oxygen.