Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

School Closure/Adverse Weather


The school will only close if it is absolutely necessary to do so. Such a situation could arise, for example:

  • If insufficient numbers of staff being able to make their way to school, making it difficult for us to provide adequate supervision.
  • If the forecast indicates a serious deterioration in weather conditions during the day.
  • If the transport companies make the decision not to operate their coaches.
  • If conditions on the school site are too hazardous for staff and students.

The decision to close the school would be taken by the Headteacher or one of his senior colleagues.

If we were to close the school we would contact parents in the following ways:

  1. A message would appear on the school’s website by or shortly after 7.30am each day and we would update the website with information, as far as possible, during the day.
  2. A text message and/or email would be sent to all those who receive this service by or shortly after 7.30am.
  3. Broadcasts by the following Radio Stations:
  • BBC Somerset - 95.5FM and 1566MHz
  • Heart FM - 102.6FM, 97.1 FM (Yeovil area), 96.5 (Taunton area)
  • Breeze FM - 100.8FM, 102.4FM or 101.4FM

If a change in the weather requires the school to close after the start of the school day we would contact parents by text and/or email and a message would appear on the school website home page. 


Students who use County Transport - as soon as we have notification from County Transport we will let parents know of the arrangements. Normally the buses arrive early to allow sufficient time for any travel delays. 

Students who walk to school
 - usually they will be allowed to leave the site to make their way home, unless we receive notification from parents that their child should remain in school until they are collected.

Students who get a lift home
 - the school will stay open for as long as possible and continue to supervise your child until parents arrive. When a child is collected, it is important that Reception are informed so that your child can be formally signed out. 

Further school closure details and school transport cancellations can be found on the Somerset County’s website.


Adverse Weather Flow Chart


Note: To help improve communication with parents Transporting Somerset has asked parents to look at their website before phoning for information.


We would like to advise parents that when transport routes are disrupted and a reduced service is offered, the return bus journey will only follow the route taken in the morning.


In times of adverse weather, students are permitted to wear suitable footwear e.g. wellington boot/walking boots on the way to and from school, but will need to bring their black school shoes to change into and wear during the school day.