Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Haygrove's Partnership with the Yew Wah Programme

Our students have really enjoyed spending time with the Chinese students from the Yew Wah Programme this term visiting them at Knowle Hall and accompanying them on various fieldtrips. Our link with Yew Wah International Education Foundation, established in 2007, continues to go from strength to strength. It was also a pleasure to welcome our first visit of students into school this year.

This week Haygrove students joined the Chinese students on a fantastic trip to Wildwood Devon. We explored the woodland, saw bears and wild cats, took part in wood-turning using Saxon tools, baked bread in a clay oven and went into the forge to make brooches. A really wonderful trip! 

Haygrove's Partnership with the Yew Wah Programme 2023/24