Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Exam Success our students

Our Year 11 students have been receiving their GSCE results this morning at Haygrove School and students have a real reason to celebrate their hard work. 


Summary of our results:

9-7 inc A*-A – 24.32%, compared to 22% nationally

A strong pass at grades 9-5 including English and Mathematics – 62%

A standard pass at grades 9-4 including English and Mathematics – 83%

9-4 English – 88.26%

9-4 Mathematics – 87.32%

Students gaining five grades 9-4 including English and Maths – 76.53%

Proportion of GCSEs marked at grades 4/C and above – 83.34%, compared to 67.8% nationally


Mr Reid, Headteacher, says, “This is an amazing achievement for these students, who have shown dedication and determination with their approach to their education. I am, along with all my colleagues, incredibly proud of this set of results knowing the hard work that is behind them.” 


Some examples of students who have achieved brilliant individual success are:

  • Theoni Kane – Eight grade 9s, 1 B in Additional Maths
  • Amelie Hood – Eight grade 9s, one grade 8

The following students achieved Grade 9-7 in all subjects:

  • Maddie Dodden
  • Emily Bunney
  • Lilly Niblett
  • Oscar Taylor
  • Euan Fauvel
  • Christian Fuentas
  • Ellie Warren
  • Erin Clarke
  • Amber Walker

Year 11’s excellent attitude towards attendance and punctuality has been a contributing factor to their successes this year. The students started their school day with an additional Maths and English lesson and had high turnout at all extra revision sessions. Their conduct throughout the mock exams and the final set showed great determination and effort.

Whilst high grades should be commended, Haygrove School also celebrates any progress for their students who have worked hard to improve their outcomes. Particular note should go to Macy Garforth and Cormac Cooke.

Mrs Mills, Deputy Head, said, “I am over the moon for this special cohort of students. Their attitude and contribution to school life has been brilliant. Although we will really miss seeing their faces around school, we wish them all the success for the future, knowing that they are leaving us with some excellent foundations for their future.”

Our school has seen notable success across the board in their subjects, but with particular mention to the following subjects that have achieved 100% at grade 4 and above in Enterprise, French, and Music BTEC, and at least 90% at grade 4 and above in Health and Social Care, Physics, German, Biology, Sports Science, Engineering, Sports Studies, Chemistry and Photography.

Mrs Garnett, CEO of Quantock Education Trust, says, “These students should be delighted with their results today. Their hard work and endeavour have been really worthwhile. I hope these students enjoy the remaining part of their summer break before starting their next steps with the same enthusiasm and confidence that they have displayed during their time at Haygrove.”

We would also like to acknowledge our students in the Year 10 cohort who sat their English Literature and Statistics Exam early and collected their exams results today. This shows great promise for next year.